Friday, April 06, 2007


Hello all!
FREE yeah I said the "F" word!
Free education regarding debt and financial topics! Now CCDR offers a DEBT-U-CATE page on our website, CLICK HERE
I will be jam packing it with new info on various Debt and Financial related topics. The best part is YOU the reader can choose your topic or senario to have answered by CCDR. Also on our Home Page at if you scroll down to the bottom you can sign up for our monthly Audio DEBT-U-CATION Newsletter for yet again, FREE.

Financial education is not taught in our schools to a level it should be, if it is taught at all! For those of you that have children or better yet teenagers you would like to have an edge on their peers than sign them up for this newsletter. It is better than most because it is audio and easier to absorb than trying to understand a "legalise" newsletter far beyond even some adults grasp.

I will be updating this blog as often as possible but if you are signed up for the newsletter you will never miss an issue.

To your Wealth!

Greg Roberts BBA, CDA
Canadian Customer Debt Relief

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Quality Debt Advice and Financial Education

Hello Everyone!
We at CCDR believe in providing quality accurate debt advice and want to promote financial education every chance we get. We have set up a new HOTLINE where you can leave your requests for topics you would Like to know more about....Let us know. We will get an answer posted at for you ASAP. Just call and leave a message for our staff. (214) 615-6044 ext 5933 you would like our professionals to address.

Thanks for your time!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

New Debt Tip Newsletter For March 2007

Hello Everyone for those of you that are not on the mailing list here is the new debt tip audio newsletter.
Debt Negotiation Facts
Click Here
If link us inactive Copy and Paste Below Url:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Program Born!

Hello everyone!

Sorry it has been awhile since my last post. We have been working very hard on a new program and it is now offically launched!
Although we do help a lot of people out of debt there has always those that don't want the drastic step of debt settlement and would rather just keep paying forever to their creditors. We respect that but, we wanted to be able to offer a service to them as well.
After much development the BluePrint 2 Black has been born.

The BluePrint 2 Black will help you get rid of all of your debt including your mortgage in 5-9 years using the resources you have without having to borrow, refinance or sell anything.
Were also not talking about living on soup and crackers to do this either!
Just like when you goto a draftsman when you want a house built and need a blueprint, you come to CCDR to have the plan draw up to rid you of all that debt!

On average the program will free up 1500-4100 dollars for you the consumer. The BluePrint 2 Black will NOT damage your credit either, in fact it will remain STELLAR because all of your debt will be paid off entirley IN RECORD TIME!
This is the stuff that the creditors do not want you to know about because it will get you out of debt in the fastest time and make them the least amount of interest, doesnt that sound AWESOME?

The only requirements for the BluePrint 2 Black are:

- You must be up to date with your payments
- You Must be able to maintain the min Payments or fix payments on your debt throughout the program
- You must have an income

Also you DO NOT have to own a home foe the program to work, in fact it is quicker if you do not.

Find out more at as always we will do a FREE PROPOSAL for you to let you know how fast we will have you out of debt.

Anyway more on this later,
