Friday, April 06, 2007


Hello all!
FREE yeah I said the "F" word!
Free education regarding debt and financial topics! Now CCDR offers a DEBT-U-CATE page on our website, CLICK HERE
I will be jam packing it with new info on various Debt and Financial related topics. The best part is YOU the reader can choose your topic or senario to have answered by CCDR. Also on our Home Page at if you scroll down to the bottom you can sign up for our monthly Audio DEBT-U-CATION Newsletter for yet again, FREE.

Financial education is not taught in our schools to a level it should be, if it is taught at all! For those of you that have children or better yet teenagers you would like to have an edge on their peers than sign them up for this newsletter. It is better than most because it is audio and easier to absorb than trying to understand a "legalise" newsletter far beyond even some adults grasp.

I will be updating this blog as often as possible but if you are signed up for the newsletter you will never miss an issue.

To your Wealth!

Greg Roberts BBA, CDA
Canadian Customer Debt Relief